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Download Wanna One Go in Jeju Subtitle Indonesia
Kali ini, “Wanna One Go in Jeju” mengajak Wanna One dalam sebuah misi untuk menciptakan CF mereka sendiri untuk “Innisfree” “Green Tea Seed Serum”.
Download Wanna One Go in Jeju Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1
360p (HARDSUBS INDO) 22 MB: MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) (56 MB): MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA| Zippyshare | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 2
360p (HARDSUBS INDO) 24 MB: MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) (62 MB): MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA| Zippyshare | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Episode 3
360p (HARDSUBS INDO) 24 MB: MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) (53 MB): MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA| Zippyshare | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
Subtitle Indonesia | Subtitle English
Akhirnya yang ditunggu setelah ditunda :v
Thanks kak. Aku tunggu sub nya sama update terus ya kak.
Subnya udah ada min https://subscene.com/subtitles/wanna-one-go-in-jeju/indonesian/1748289
Dtunggu subnya min😊
Kak sub indo dong , plis
Ka’ izin share di youtube ya…
Soalx teman2 aq ada yg nga tau cr nge downloadx..
Ini wnna one go season 3 ya ???? Atau cuma kerja sama sama inisfree aja?
Sub indo eps 2 koj belum ada?
Cepet gk sabar nonton
Baru 2 eps ya kak😉
Episode 3nya belum ada ya min???
min episode 3 kapan rilis? Episode terakhir kan?
Sub indo eps 3 dong min😍
Annyeong wannable♡
Yang mau join gc wannaone via whtsapp bisa pc admin +62 822-1028-3175. Gomawooo♡
Cuma smpe eps 3 yaa??
Min kok eps 3 nya ga bisaa